Services in gym

Our services will continue to be in the gym until further notice. Bring your own lawn chair so you can take it with you after the service, this minimizes the amount of sanitizing we have to do.

The gym is located directly behind the church.

If you have trouble getting around, please park at the gym. The side door next to the gym kitchen will be open. This way you do not have as far to walk.

Sunday Morning Services

We will be meeting in the gym for Sunday morning services at 11AM until further notice. Bring your own lawn chair. Sit in family groups. The gym provides more room to spread out and does not burden Kathie with so much clean up. Thank you.

May 20th Wednesday night service

We will be meeting in the gym for service Wednesday, May 20th. Bring your own lawn chair so you can take it back with you and disinfect. The gym provides more area to spread out family groups. Please bring your mask.

Recognize Graduates

Brother Mike is needing the name of any church goer that will be graduating this spring. Elementary, Middle School, High School, College, Grad School, Technical School, Trade School, or any program. Please let Brother Mike know so that those folks can be recognized. Thank You